Protect & Restore | Purus Labs Organ Shield 60C
Do you train at intense levels many times a week? Intense training can be hard on your body in many ways. But don't change your workout routine- change your supplements! By taking Purus Labs Organ Shield, you can protect your organs and your body overall from the negative impact of intense training sessions. These types of intense training sessions can cause your body to react as if in high stress, but Organ Shield can help regulate your liver, prostate, and heart function at a healthy level during these sessions.
Purus Labs' Organ Shield uses a blend of effective ingredients to protect and restore your liver, prostate, and heart function. Some of these ingredients include Milk Thistle, which has been used to maintain liver function; Saw Palmetto to promote healthy prostrate function, and Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), which has several liver and heart related benefits; as well as other strong ingredients to defend these important organs. This effective blend of ingredients makes Purus Labs' Organ Shield a product you can trust!
Purus Labs Organ Shield Benefits
- Supports Lean Muscle Mass
- May Support Healthy Body Composition
- Can Help Regulate Fat
- Helps Support Overall Health
- Designed to Support Liver, Prostate, and Heart Function
- Protects Against Effects of Intense Training
How to Take Purus Labs Organ Shield
To promote antioxidant activity in your body, take 1 serving (2 capsules) of Organ Shield each day. If you want, for additional effect, you may take an additional serving later in the day.
Purus Labs Organ Shield Ingredients
Organ Shield Side Effects
Do Not Take Organ Shield In Excess Of Its Recommended Dosage. Organ Shield Is Intended Only For Healthy Adults Over 18. Consult A Licensed Healthcare Practitioner Before Use. Do Not Use If You Are Currently Pregnant Or Nursing. Discontinue Use Immediately If You Experience Any Adverse Reactions. Store In A Cool, Dry Area Away From Direct Sunlight. Keep Out Of Reach Of Children.
Guo Y, Wang S, Wang Y, Zhu T- 2016- Silymarin improved diet-induced liver damage and insulin resistance by decreasing inflammation in mice.
Pilar Pais, Agustí Villar, and Santiago Rull- 2016- Determination of the potency of a novel saw palmetto supercritical CO2 extract (SPSE) for 5α-reductase isoform II inhibition using a cell-free in vitro test system.