BULLAR HOME GYM SET , FITNESS EQUIPMENTS One of the best sports equipment suppliers online offers quality, durable, and affordable products to help you stay fit, healthy, and active. Presenting an extensive range of sports products, including barbells, dumbbells, exercise set, weight plates, and more. PREMIUM STRENGTH TRAINING EQUIPMENT BULLAR HOME GYM AND FITNESS KIT BULLAR Essentials creates innovative products that are affordable, but still offer a good level of functionality and performance. Essentials is about fitting into a fluid and exciting lifestyle and helping to maintain that flow. The gym equipment’s are perfect for the fitness conscious. FULL BODY WORKOUT This combo allow you to train & develop all parts of your body through various key exercises. All you have to do is set up your equipment and you're ready to go! Perfect for any type of workout from cardio, HIIT to weight lifting. VERSATILE GYM SETS These versatile gym sets come with multiple plates to let you find a comfortable weight for your workout, maintain balance and strength, and create lean, toned muscles with variable progression